The end of war in Ukraine, maybe, but imperialism’s “other wars” rage on...

Workers' Fight workplace bulletin editorials
19 February 2025

There's a well-worn saying, that "truth is the first casualty of war". Now that the war in Ukraine may finally come to an end, one has to wonder if any of the true motives and vested interests which fuelled it will come to light. The odds are, they won't.

    Certainly official British broadcasts and politicians in Westminster cannot be expected to admit anything. These are the self-same savage hypocrites who pointed to the Israeli army's destruction of Gaza and its slaughter of (now) over 48,000 men, women and children, and obscenely justified it as "Israel's self-defence".

    So are they or EU leaders ever likely to come clean as to how they pushed for Ukraine to act as a proxy for NATO's aims against Putin's Russia - so that their own national capitalists could gain a foothold in what Putin regards as his own backyard, once his forces were suitably weakened?

    They never gave a damn about the consequent death and destruction in Ukraine (nor the killing of tens of thousands of Russian conscripts). And now, for the sake of their weapons merchants' investments and profits, they'd happily see this war (and all the others) continue.

An untapped rare earth bounty

Donald Trump let at least one of the true cats out of the bag, when he mentioned how "Ukraine" could pay the US for the weapons it contributed, by giving American companies full access to its rich and untapped resource of rare earth metals! He even put a $300bn figure on it!

    Much of this treasure, essential for production of microchips (increasingly in demand for AI) and for "green" tech, is actually in the Donbass region. Yes, currently occupied by Russian troops... Which might explain why Trump's Secretary of State, Marco Rubio, has been holding talks with Russia's Sergey Lavrov in Saudi Arabia, while Zelensky fumes angrily over being "left out"...

    Trump's verbal incontinence, however, led him to say, while boasting over his abilities to end the Ukraine war that "they should never have started it", "they", seemingly referring to the Ukrainians, rather than the Russians...

    BBC presenters (but not only them) just could not contain themselves. What luck! They'd "got" their scoop: Trump was now blaming Ukraine for starting the war and thus siding with Putin!

    Never mind that by making a huge thing of Trump's flippant and thoughtless remarks they were potentially pouring oil on the fire of the conflict themselves.

    But then the BBC's arrogant Today "journalists" made a big mistake! They invited Ukrainian MP Oleksiy Goncharenko onto the programme to say what he thought about Trump's finger of blame...

The BBC's kindergarten reporting

This is how he answered, putting them firmly in their place: "these words will not have any impact in Ukraine... everybody knows who started this...(...) I think this is his [Trump's] address to President Biden... I don't see the importance to discuss it".

    And he added, "we are dying here every day. It's not about words or somebody being offended. We are not in a kindergarten, it's too serious. No matter who says what, our task must be to end the war!".

    He went on to say that the Ukrainians knew they wouldn't regain East Ukraine and Crimea, "for now". But that they could accept this compromise for the sake of ending the bloodshed.

    As for Goncharenko's reference to Trump's "address to President Biden", nobody should forget that the actual spark for Putin's invasion was Biden's refusal to meet him. If Biden had agreed, the war might have been averted. So if anyone actually "started" this war, it was none other than Joe Biden. But this is something which the NATO warmongers, whether in Washington, Westminster or Brussels will never admit.