All hell needs to break loose over Trump’s and Starmer’s heads

Workers' Fight workplace bulletin editorials
13 February 2025

The actions of Starmer’s government are certainly opportunistic, pro-business, even populist.  But who’d have thought he’d announce that his government was going to “deregulate”, in his “mission” for growth?

    “We will kick down the barriers to building, clear out the regulatory weeds and allow a new era of British growth to bloom”.  He wrote this in the Times newspaper, concluding his piece by doffing his hat to Tory “heroine”, Margaret Thatcher: “In the 1980s, the Thatcher government deregulated finance capital.  In the New Labour era, globalisation increased the opportunities for trade.  This is our equivalent.  For too long regulation has stopped Britain building its future“.

    The “tribute” to the late Thatcher, 50 years after she became leader of the Conservatives, is to be Starmer’s “bonfire of regulation”.  Never mind that deregulation was one of the direct causes of the Grenfell Tower fire in 2017, which killed 72 people when its cheap inflammable cladding caught alight.

    In fact without any sensitivity whatsoever, (no surprise there!) Starmer’s deputy, Angela Rayner announced early in February that the Tower is to be demolished, without even discussing this with the survivors of the fire.  As one of their supporters wrote on the LBC website: “Everyone knows Grenfell must come down, it isn't known how the fire affected its stability and integrity.  Many relatives had nothing but a few bone fragments to bury, and it took months and months to recover those.  All those people want is a voice and so much has been decided without listening to them.  They've been hearing 'We know what's best for you' for a long time, who can blame them for being upset.”

    The inevitable government “inquiry” into the fire concluded last September.  Its 1,700-page report "sets out how a chain of failures across government and the private sector led to Grenfell Tower becoming a death trap".  Eight years later, not one perpetrator of these failures has been prosecuted!

Trying to emulate Nigel Farage

It gets worse, however.  Starmer has embarked on his own version of “Trumpism” - apparently in order to try to “trump” Nigel Farage’s right-wing Reform Party, which, according to opinion polls is either level with Labour or a few points ahead.  So “Sir Keir” is making a big show of arresting “illegal migrants” and deporting them.

    He may not have sent the army and air force to patrol the border at Dover, but who knows, he may still do so - aping Trump’s sensational and very nasty anti-migrant “enforcement” - since Farage is still taunting him with not stopping the boats across the Channel.  Since the beginning of the year around 1,300 refugees have made it to Dover in dinghies.

    Of course Reform is really a single-issue party - its only policy is to end immigration.  When in fact migration, the vast waves of refugees crossing continents today, is the only way that the increasingly uneven distribution of wealth which characterises this decadent phase of declining capitalism is being challenged, albeit unconsciously and from desperation.  It’s being challenged in the only way open to the poor and wretched of the earth, displaced by war and famine: take your life in your hands, walk, swim, run, climb, take a leaky boat: find a way to get to the wealthy and safe North-West...

From outer space no borders are visible

Obviously, there is only one way to stop migrants crossing the sea in boats and to put the smuggling gangs out of business and that’s to open the border and offer refugees safe and free transit.

    The Channel 4 documentary “Go back to where you came from” attempts to use its brand of “reality TV” to challenge anti-migrant views (while appearing neutral?).  But this is not a moral issue, even if the anti-migrant enforcement by Starmer, Trump et al, is immoral - and inhuman.  Indeed, Trump has already “opened the doors of hell” on the Mexican border for those desperately seeking work and refuge in the USA after fleeing places like Haiti, where homicidal gang rule prevails (while also promising more hell and ethnic cleansing for the devastated population of Gaza).

    No, the reason to offer free passage to all migrants and refugees is because ultimately, opening all borders and sharing the dwindling natural resources of this ever-warming planet among the whole population will soon become a matter of survival of the human race.

    The world’s population quite obviously needs redistributing over the environmentally habitable surface of this earth - and this is mostly the Northern Hemisphere - in order to create a new population equilibrium.

    For sure, that will first require that the capitalist system, which today provides wealth only for the few, is obliterated and replaced by socialism.  Then it will be possible to implement planned production for need on a world scale - the only efficient solution.  What’s more, when aided by Artificial Intelligence (under the working classes’ intelligent control!) its efficiency can only keep on growing!