Fighting back against this system, its crises and wars, is a matter of urgency! Workers' Fight workplace bulletin editorials 14 July 2009
In the old days, "taking a holiday" was slang for strike...! Workers' Fight workplace bulletin editorials 7 July 2009
To stop the bosses' attacks, it's class solidarity which will be decisive Workers' Fight workplace bulletin editorials 30 June 2009
These strikes must pave the way for a common response to the bosses' attacks Workers' Fight workplace bulletin editorials 16 June 2009
The profit system gets the politicians it deserves - it needs to be replaced Workers' Fight workplace bulletin editorials 9 June 2009
Here, in Europe and across the world, the working class will have to get rid of all profiteers, big and small! Workers' Fight workplace bulletin editorials 02 June 2009
These union leaders have nothing to do with unity - we have to "unite" ourselves! Workers' Fight workplace bulletin editorials 26 May 2009