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Unione Comunista Internazionalista
Proletari di tutti i paesi, unitevi!
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Class Struggle
Published by Workers' Fight - Britain
Nov/Dec 2003
Britain - Blair is not yet out of the Iraqi quagmire
Britain - Postal strike: a fighting potential squandered by the union leadership
Britain - From the ballot box to the mosque - the SWP's quest for a not-so- left "alternative"
USA - Car industry contracts - a company-union partnership against workers
Sep/Oct 2003
Britain - The Hutton enquiry, the Labour party and Blair's future
Britain - On the frontline of the class struggle
Iraq - From an imperialist occupation to a bloody quagmire
Liberia - Behind the warring factions: imperialist plunder and regional rivalries
Jul/Aug 2003
Britain - "Honest Tony" and Labour's military occupation of Iraq
Britain - British capital in the bloody trail of US imperialism
Britain - The unions' "awkward squad": hot air to revamp "partnership"
France - A wave of working class mobilisation
Brazil - Six months of the Lula government: good news for the capitalist class
May/June 2003
Britain - The "war bounce" backfires on the Labour party
Iraq - After the fall of Saddam Hussein, the imperialist occupation
US-Turkish tensions over the war and Iraqi Kurdistan
Northern Ireland - The terrorist methods of the British state
Mar/Apr 2003
War in Iraq - Against Blair's warmongering, no to this imperialist war!
Britain - The government's offensive on the home front and the union leadership
Britain : Congestion charge - Blair and Livingstone, a division of labour not opposing policies
USA : United Airlines - using the courts to bankrupt workers
Jan/Feb 2003
The threat of war - Blair's plans against Iraq - and against the working class
Britain - The firefighters' strike - the "new generation" of trade-union leaders put to the test
North Korea - Another pawn in Bush's power games
Egypt - The Mubarak regime's fears
The Prestige disaster - A tale of oil profiteering and state complicity
Nov/Dec 2002
The threat of war - Against the great powers' state terrorism - Hands off Iraq!
Britain - Capitalist short-circuits in privatised electricity
Britain - Pensions on the line - wage cuts by any other name...
USA - In the shadow of September 11 - one year on
Sep/Oct 2002
Iraq - Bush's threats of war - criminal politicking with Blair in tow
USA - Repression in the name of "national unity"
The economic meltdown - "Corporate crime", speculation - built-in components of capitalism
Zimbabwe - Mugabe's "land war" versus the opposition MDC - no choice for the poor
Jul/Aug 2002
Britain - After five years of Blair's "flexible labour market" - towards a casualised working class
Northern Ireland - Is the "peace process" under threat? No, but the working class is!
India-Pakistan - After six months of a "phony war"
USA - The collapse of Enron: "
A tribute to American capitalism
Italy - Rifondazione Comunista: "turn to the left" or shift to the right?
May/June 2002
Britain - Blair's reactionary demagogy and pro-business agenda - a threat to all working people
France - Jospin's anti-working class policies give a platform to Le Pen and a springboard to Chirac
Nigeria - Obasanjo's military "democracy" - sliding into deeper poverty, bloodshed and corruption
USA - The unions' backing for US imperialism - part II. From Korea to Afghanistan