The TUC may be weak, but the working class still has its strength to use Workers' Fight workplace bulletin editorials 20 September 2010
The tax system - an instrument of capital Workers' Fight workplace bulletin editorials 7 September 2010
The police - as protectors of the system - can get away with murder Workers' Fight workplace bulletin editorials 27 July 2010
Their cuts and attacks call for the biggest fight back we can muster! Workers' Fight workplace bulletin editorials 20 July 2010
Their cuts and attacks call for a workers' counter-offensive! Workers' Fight workplace bulletin editorials 13 July 2010
We'll cut their politicking and we'll fight their cuts! Workers' Fight workplace bulletin editorials 6 July 2010
Hands off working class conditions, end the state's welfare for the rich! Workers' Fight workplace bulletin editorials 29 June 2010
Cameron in Brown's footsteps to line the pockets of the rich and empty ours Workers' Fight workplace bulletin editorials 22 June 2010