Hands off our wages! we can't stop inflation, but we can stop the bosses from cutting our living standards! Workers' Fight workplace bulletin editorials 1 Nov 2011
Pay offer: the numbers only conceal the knife Workers' Fight workplace bulletin editorials 1 Nov 2011
Rising profits for the rich, cuts for the rest of us - this must be stopped! Workers' Fight workplace bulletin editorials 17 Oct 2011
The capitalist parasites and their politicians Workers' Fight workplace bulletin editorials 04 Oct 2011
It's not the eurozone, it's the whole capitalist-zone which is at fault Workers' Fight workplace bulletin editorials 27 Sep 2011
Their rotten profit system should be our target! Workers' Fight workplace bulletin editorials 20 Sep 2011
A "broken system", run by thieves, which needs replacing Workers' Fight workplace bulletin editorials 6 Sept 2011