Next Sunday, vote Lutte ouvrière – the workers' camp!

Lutte Ouvrière workplace newsletter
June 24, 2024

With just a few days to go before the legislative elections, there is one point on which the working class is unanimous: Macron, who has spent his time pouring scorn on us and trampling us underfoot, must be rejected. But how can he be driven out? Working people are divided on this.

There are those who are ready to vote for the Rassemblement national (RN). Disgusted by all the parties that have succeeded one another in power, they believe that Bardella will rock the boat. How wrong. The closer he gets to power, the more he resembles all the politicians who came before him.

Hasn't he just formed an alliance with part of the right, with Ciotti, who still wants to raise retirement age? Isn't he already explaining that he won’t be able to keep all his promises, because there's no money left in the coffers?

The empty coffers argument is the mantra used by all politicians to justify their retreats: they fail to mention that the coffers of big business are overflowing, and that all the wealth we produce is more than enough to ensure a minimum wage of 2,000 euros, a retirement pension at 60, and job creations to improve our working conditions.

Even when it comes to incivilities and delinquency, the RN won't change a thing. To prevent them, it would take putting an end to the deliberate abandoning of working-class neighborhoods and their young people, an end to precariousness and staggering inequalities. In other words, it would take attacking the rapacity of the big bourgeoisie, those who exploit us, lay people off and plunge millions of workers into misery.

To compensate for his future denials, Bardella will attack foreign workers or those of foreign origin, in the name of national preference. But believing that savings made at the expense of foreigners and undocumented workers will benefit the working class is naive. Just because an immigrant worker is deprived of this or that benefit doesn’t mean our wages will rise!

The money taken from foreign workers will once again go into the coffers of the big bourgeoisie. The fact that some workers are more crushed and persecuted than others has never improved workers' rights. In fact, it goes completely against their interests! The fewer rights foreign workers have, the more we will all move back, because it will be a new means of pressure for the bosses. All the more so, as we'll be even more divided than we are today.

At the other end of the spectrum, there are those who rightly fear that racists and xenophobes will be strengthened by the RN. And some of them are counting on the Nouveau Front Populaire (New Popular Front) to prevent this. But the NFP is made up of the same left-wing politicians who have betrayed us time and time again.

Over the past few weeks, it’s been like a reboot of the movie ‘Shallow Grave’, in which a bunch of good friends end up killing each other! Yet overnight they have become best friends again, and claim to be united on a program that's supposed to make us dream – with ex-president Hollande as the guest star! Even their program, which is so far from what is needed to start solving workers' problems, will end up in the dustbin, as it did with Mitterrand, Jospin and Hollande.

Because the left doesn't want to challenge big business, there's no reason for it to do anything other than what it’s been doing for forty years: leave us in hardship, facing redundancies and employers' attacks. And that’s what’s driving the most desperate workers into the arms of the RN. So, it's not because they are playing the cards of the ‘Union of the Left’ and the ‘anti-RN barrier’ that we must trust them again!

One thing is certain: we can’t reject bourgeois politicians by relying on other politicians who don't want to imagine any future other than this society of exploitation!

Our fate won't change until we're able to get involved. It's up to us to speak out, take action and lead the fight for our interests as workers and those of society as a whole!

That's why LO is running candidates in almost every constituency in the country: factory workers, clerks, nurses, teachers, postmen, etc. Thanks to our candidates, workers who no longer trust professional charlatans will be able to vote for a member of their own class, someone dedicated to the interests of the exploited. They will be able to vote for candidates opposed to the big bourgeoisie and its capitalist system, which is plunging us into endless crises.

Vote for candidates who are just like you, who experience the same difficulties and have always been loyal to your struggles!

Nathalie Arthaud