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Class Struggle
Published by Workers' Fight - Britain
Sep/Oct 2005
Editorial: From Iraq to Louisiana, the bloody chaos of an exploitative system
Britain - Gate Gourmet dispute: workers' solidarity versus bureaucratic manoeuvres
Britain - After the London bombings - no amount of cover-up can conceal Blair's criminal policies
Britain - A bigoted offensive against women's right to abortion
Northern Ireland - The IRA's ending of its "armed campaign" and the "peace process"
July-August 2005
Britain - Blair's third term - an agenda for no change
Britain - Posturing and politicking over Europe
G8-Live8 - Make capitalism history!
Iran - After the presidential election
May-June 2005
Britain - The 5 May election could achieve nothing for workers, but the class struggle can.
Britain - MG Rover, Ford, BMW, Peugeot - whether "cow-boys" or car giants, the capitalists are all "rogue" bosses!
Iraq - The west's bogus "democratic" process - myth and reality
France - On the referendum over the European Constitution
Mar/Apr 2005
Britain - Another stakeless general election for the working class
Britain - Labour and education: exploitation, exploitation, exploitation!
USA - The "American Model" of health care - a monstrous profit machine
Ukraine - Change of faces at the top under pressure from the street
Jan/Feb 2005
Politicking over the tsunami: Blair and Brown try to turn back the wave of electoral mistrust
Britain - The car industry - "new" production methods? No, just the old screw of exploitation!
Iraq - A sham democratic process stained with the blood of Fallujah
Iraq - 1920: Britain's imperialist policy and the Iraqi quagmire
Afghanistan - Caught between the west's on-going aggression and the rule of the warlords
Nov/Dec 2004
Britain - After the invasion, Blair now wants to join in for the killing
Britain - The civil service under Brown's hatchet
USA - After the presidential election
US election - What the Democrats did to implement the Bush agenda
US election - The unions and the "lesser evil"
Germany - Six years of anti-working class policies under an SPD government
Sep/Oct 2004
Britain - Blair and the TUC gearing up for the general election
Britain - NHS - the only "choice" for patients is to feed the profit sharks
Iraq - A western-made bloody civil war
Sudan - The war in Darfur - imperialism's cynical hypocrisy
Jul/Aug 2004
Britain - 10 June: a kicking for Blair and his government
Britain - The Respect coalition - balance sheet and future
Britain - Religious hypocrisy, "multiculturalism" and women's oppression
Iraq - "Democratic process" or civil war?
USA - "ABB": demonising Bush to justify supporting the Democrats
Mar/Apr 2004
Britain - Council tax, pensions, casualisation - Blair's domestic battle front
Britain - After the RMT's expulsion from the Labour party
South Africa - A decade of ANC rule - nationalism's exorbitant cost for the masses
USA - The Democratic party, the presidential race and the war in Iraq
Jan/Feb 2004
Britain - Labour paves Howard's way
Britain - Working hours - the more they are "cut", the longer they get
Iraq - Behind Bush's "exit strategy"
Congo (ex-Zaïre) - A country looted by warlords and imperialist companies
Documents - Lutte Ouvrière: "
The programmatic foundations of our policy