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Class Struggle
Published by Workers' Fight - Britain
Mar/April 2002
Britain - Strikes on the railways - a fight which is long overdue
Britain - The debate over the unions' political fund and the revolutionary left
France - The "plural left"'s right-wing record and the presidential election
France - The French health system - will it survive the cuts?
USA - The unions' backing for US imperialism. Part I - From one World War to the next
Jan/Feb 2002
The "war against terrorism" - From the US agression against Afghanistan to the threat of an Indo-Pakistani war
Israel-Palestine - Sharon's provocative escalation
Britain - Public service sharks and capital's parasitism on the state
Britain - New threats to postal jobs - the long road to privatisation
Argentina - A social explosion caused by the recession forces out two presidents
nov 2001
War in Afghanistan - Against Blair's war-mongering, this war is not our war!
War in Afghanistan - Imperialism threatens to set alight a whole region
USA - Using September 11th to impose more concessions on the working class
Britain - Railtrack to "NewTrack" - bailing out privatisation
Sept/Oct 2001
Britain - The working class and the housing crisis, from Thatcher to Blair
Britain - "Anti-globalisation" and the SWP's global renunciation
USA - Against the threat of job cuts, union leaders want.. closer partnership
Jamaica - Down the nationalist blind alley - gang rule and poverty
Jul/Aug 2001
Britain - After June 7th - Blair's second term, the revolutionary left and the working class
Britain - NHS - emergency measures required.. against privatisation
Northern Ireland - Politicking, gang war and social dereliction
Turkey - The financial crisis sparks off an economic and social crisis
USA - Utility deregulation - from the era of Silicon Valley to the Dark Ages
May/Jun 2001
Britain - From the "lesser evil" blackmail to the real battles to come
Britain - Beyond the politicking of Labour's "law and order" agenda
South Africa - 25 years after Soweto - in the grip of imperialism, AIDS and poverty
France - The revolutionary left and the March local elections
USA - Wall Street's prescription for health
Feb/Mar 2001
Britain - The coming "dateless" and stakeless election
Britain - Behind the foot and mouth outbreak, the farming crisis
Britain - The great pension robbery
Mexico - The Mexican revolution and the origin of the PRI
Mexico - The revolution "institutionalized" and... rubbed out
Jan 2001
Britain-Pound or euro? The real issue is the fight against the bosses
Sierra-Leone - Blair's military intervention for the control of diamonds
Ivory Coast - A "Second Republic" born in the midst of cheating and ethnic provocation
USA - Behind the fig leaf of democracy
Nov-Dec 2000
Britain - Fuel crisis, Hatfield crash, BSE scandal - Blair's electoral hurdles
Middle East - The new Intifada
Serbia - The replacement of Milosevic under the watchful eye of imperialism
Oil - Today's world price hike and the "majors"
USA - Nader's presidential candidature - a false challenge to the Democrats
Sep-Oct 2000
Britain - TUC conference 2000: the union leaders' blockade against the class struggle
Britain - The Scottish Socialist Party - from an electoralist scratch to the danger of reformist gangrene
USA - Clinton's legacy - eight years of attacks against the working class and poor
Iraq - Ten years of imperialist war against the population